Drivers Quiz

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Directions: Read each statement carefully and circle the best answer the question.
What's the purpose of the FMCSA's hours of service regulations?(Required)
When do the hours-of-service regulations apply?(Required)
Which task would be included in the definition of on-duty time?(Required)
What qualifies as off-duty time?(Required)
Which of the following statements concerning the 14-hour limit is true?(Required)
What is the 11-hour limit?(Required)
Which of the following statement about the 60-/70-hour (on-duty) limit is true?(Required)
Which of the following would satisfy the 30-minute break required under the mandatory break provision?(Required)
Drivers of property-carrying commercial motor vehicles involved in interstate commerce have an option that allows them to reset their accumulated on-duty time. What is it?(Required)
You must keep your log for the current day, plus the logs for the previous seven days:(Required)
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